Global investment opportunity by S & P Financial Services
Make your first step toward becoming an everyday value investor, and learn how to invest for the long term with S & P Financial Services global investing opportunity. Explore time-tested strategies for overcoming short-term setbacks and making the most of the market’s long-term potential, know how to buy & Sell US stocks in fractions. Get all stock related information in a single platform.
It generally takes only 1-2 business days to get your account opened.
The platform to invest in international securities provided to you is in Motilal’s partnership with Stockal
It’s extremely easy to fund your account and to get your money back from the overseas brokerage account. Just a simple form to fill, with a single click to end.
If you’re investing from India, under RBI’s Liberalized Remittance Scheme (LRS) you are allowed to invest up to $250,000 every year.